Thursday, February 27, 2020

Strengths and Weaknesses of Labour Process Theory Essay - 1

Strengths and Weaknesses of Labour Process Theory - Essay Example This paper illustrates that Labour Process Theory (LPT) plays a fundamental role in management. It effectively controls the environment and supports the capital accumulation. Through this theory, it is going to analyze that what managers, owners are seeking for to maximize the profit and minimize the capital losses that extract the maximum labor or employees efforts.This LPT theory is introduced by the Marxist and criticized by different scientific management authors. The labor process theory is concerned with shifting the relationship between the organization and technology with the arguments that technologically develop new accounting system. In the ideal enterprises, the technology needs resources and deploys it for capital accumulation. Although, technology is a capital weapon that is used in labors domination. The organizations today are looking forward to the crystallized outcomes of this ongoing battle. According to the Lixin Han, Labour Process is the dynamics of social and o rganizational change. Marx defined labor process in which nature and man both practices are noticed. The man on his own settlement usually starts changeable, controlling and consider the material reaction. It is the theory between the man himself and the nature of the human himself opposes the nature through one of its own forces like settings of arms, legs, hand, and head. In order to produce appropriate natural process, it is required to adopt own wants. The major factor of labor process is the purposeful personal man’s activity and the understanding of work subject to the instruments handling. The labor process theory is about the controlling the power of labor that is the human ability to perform work. There are three dimensions of technological change like a transformation of work, its changes and controlling. The replacement of human-machine combination requires many dimensions over time. In order to improve the technology transformation, the innovative factors are focu sed on the point of a production process that is based on limited factors. Like textile industry involves spinning and weaving process is simplified through technological evaluation.

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Evaluate Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Evaluate - Essay Example Where I do not understand something the lecturer has taught, I also make a point of asking for clarification as this is very important in that it helps me grasp difficult concepts in class making it easier for me to go back and read further about them in my free time. Over the years, I have learnt to appreciate the importance of attending classes and being attentive when the lecturer is teaching. I have learnt that it is easier to grasp difficult concepts in class from the lecturer than going to read about them from text books. This is due to the fact that it is easier to remember what you hear someone else saying than to remember what you read from a textbook. I therefore prefer to sit in class, listen and participate when the lecturer is teaching than sitting long hours in the library or in my study room trying to read difficult concepts alone. I therefore make sure that I attend all the lectures in time and this particular class has not been an exception. Another reason why I have been attending all my classes and being attentive is due to the fact that I find it irresponsible to skip classes and yet I have paid school fees for the same. I therefore find it necessary and satisfying to go to class and listen as the lecturer teaches since it makes me feel that I have utilised my tuition fees for a good purpose. Skipping classes or attending class and not being attentive is a waste of time and money and I find it wrong. The whole of this semester I have always given my full attention to this class so as to avoid wastage of time and the money I have paid for tuition. One other very important reason why I have been attending my classes without fail is so as to ensure that I increase my chances of passing the final examination. Listening to the lecturer in class ensures that you pick up the important things that he/she stresses on and